The new collective identity promotes in objective sense the unity and harmonious relations among the different ethnic groups. 这种族群认同方式在客观上促进了民族间团结和和谐发展。
That apart, however that may be, where ordinary thoughts advance tracts of metaphysics like distinctness, discreetness, numerical difference, identity metaphysics finds unity, continuity, identity. 除此以外,普通想法推进了形而上学,比如在特殊性数字差异方面,身份形而上找到了融合。
Provide a focus for national identity and unity. 维护国家统一和团结。
The identity of the object of study on western and Chinese medicine decides the certainty of the unity of them. 中西医统一具有必然性,这是由其研究对象的同一性决定的。
Culture diversity often brings tension and anxiety to individual identity. However, Confucius achieved the unity of different cultures in his identity. 文化因素的多元性,往往会造成个体身份认同的矛盾与紧张,但孔子的身份认同却实现了多元文化因素的统一。
These can help establish an identity, spread pride among citizens and build unity. 这些可以帮助建立一个身份,公民之间传播的自豪感和建设团结。
Thus there is identity in the united front between unity and independence and between the national struggle and the class struggle. 这样便把统一战线中的统一性和独立性、民族斗争和阶级斗争,一致起来了。
Both are the same one identity, and this unity makes them the content. 内与外都是那同一个全体性,而这统一体就以全体性为内容。
The strong points of its important constructive conditions are the identity law of power and reciprocity, the unity law of rights and obligations, the quantitative law of power content, the systematical law of investigating responsibility, etc. 权责对等的构成要件以权责同一律、权利义务统一律、权力内容定量律、责任追究系统律等为支撑点。
Combination and Identity ( unity) are different concepts. 它与同一性(统一性)是两个相异的概念。
In philosophy, "harmony" refers to a state of contradictory identity, in which different things come to the unity by adjusting and balancing to each other. 在哲学意义上,和谐就是不同事物通过协调平衡达到统一的状态,它体现了一事物与其相关事物之间的协调。
The research of city identity system lies in stressing unique social culture environment, improving the ideological quality of people, and portraying characteristic cultural connotation of city, so as to form internal unity strength, improve external prestige and afford a good environment for economic development. 城市形象设计研究在于突出城市独特的社会文化环境,提高市民的思想道德素质,塑造城市有个性特色的文化内涵,以形成凝聚力,提高城市知名度,为经济发展提供良好的外部环境。
On the premise of nation benefit exceeds local, the political dialogue between the mainland and Taiwan should advantage to "nation identity" of country unity. 在国家的整体利益高于局部利益的前提下,两岸的政治对话应该有利于祖国统一的国家认同。
It is very obvious that there is an inherent identity or unity between them when we make analysis on the offensive realism and the offensive strategy of Bush new government. 把它与美国布什政府的进攻性新战略联系起来进行分析,能够明显地看出两者之间存在着内在的一致性或统一性。
The identity of ontology and methodology and the unity of reason in value and method are the important academic characteristics in China. 体用不二、价值理性与工具理性的统一是中国学术的重要特点。
Traditional philosophy theoretically brings forth the ancient Greek forthright dialectical identity and modern philosophical dialectical unity. 传统哲学在理论上给出了古希腊的直观辩证同一和近代哲学的辩证统一。
The minority-village culture is not only the carrier of the spiritual culture of the minority community but also the embodiment of its socio-economic development, which plays a key role in strengthening their identity and unity and helping their development. 因为,民族社区的村寨文化,不仅是民族社区精神文化的载体,也是民族社区经济、社会发展的表征,对于加强社区成员的社区认同感和凝聚力,战胜贫困、实现社区发展起着关键作用。
Role identity is a consciously regulatory mechanism of individual normal behavior and a unity of cognition, emotion and behavior. 进而分析了中学教师入职阶段职业角色认同的特征,即角色认同是个体角色行为的自觉调节机制,是知情行的统一体。
The audiovisual entertainment in local dialects is an integral part of the global media entertainment, a manifestation of local languages and cultural hegemony. It undermines the identity based on national unity and identification. 影视方言节目的大众传播是全球娱乐化经济的产物,它是一种地域语言与文化霸权的体现,对族群团结和国族认同造成了冲击。
The author thinks that the construction of socialist core value system identification, should first clear the identity goal, achieve social goals and individual objectives, values and actual the unity of action. 笔者认为构建当代大学生社会主义核心价值体系认同,首先要明晰认同的目标,实现价值认同与实际行动的统一。
Emphasis on identity of the minority groups is directly related to the stability and unity in our country. 对少数民族群体身份认同的重视,直接关系到国家的稳定和统一。
Will help participants clear their needs to understand the identity of online and offline identity integration and unity. 也会帮助参与者明确自身需求,了解在线身份与线下身份的整合与统一。
The product identity design style on the principles of unity and the concept of a unified, To unify the enterprise product design activities. 产品识别设计的原则是风格统一、理念统一,对企业的产品设计活动进行规范与统一。
The intertwined and interlink psychological consciousness network that the inter-ethnic identity paves is the psychological basis and mental power of national unity and the deep soil that the national identity can generate and develop. 族际认同所铺就的相互交织、相互链接的心理意识网络是民族团结的心理基础和精神力量,同时也是国家认同赖以生成的深厚土壤。
Changes should be limited to prosecute "indictment facts identity", including the prosecution facts" unity "and" narrow identity "both cases, the former Penal Code of Crimes and agreeing with the latter is a procedural right to exercise a one-time on the penalty problems. 起诉变更应当限制在公诉事实同一性内,包括公诉事实单一性与狭义的同一性两种情况,前者与刑法罪数论相契合,后者则属于诉讼法上刑罚权行使一次性的问题。
Folk religion is provided with the function of national identity, cultural fusion, maintaining unity, contact villagers relationship social. 民间宗教信仰承担着民族认同、文化融合、维护团结、联络乡谊的社会功能。
It contains consciousness of one national identity and consciousness of national unity. 它包含了人们国家认同意识、民族团结意识。
Then researches on the theories in art design, computer science, psychology, sociology, marketing and usability engineering comprehensively, and analyzes the influences to the visual identity unity of mobile internet brand and its products. 之后又综合研究艺术设计学、计算机科学、心理学、社会学、市场营销学和可用性工程学等相关理论,对影响移动互联网企业品牌视觉和产品视觉的相关因素进行了全面的分析和研究。
Because Lafayette deemed that he appeared to the identity of national unity just serviced for the safeguarding of the inviolability of the natural rights of human. 因为在拉法耶特看来,以国家统一者的身份出现正是为维护人类不可侵犯的自然权利服务的。